This weekend, our friends Alex, Dani, Felix, Archer, and Lisa invited us to join them at the coast for some quality time together.
We happily obliged and now here is our story in pictures for you to enjoy.

We got to see a bit of snow around 1500 feet.

Mmmm…An absolutely necessary stop in Tillamook for delicious ice cream.

Beautiful Mazanita Beach

Windy and cold, but sunny!

Kite Flying Fun!
Dani successfully tamed the flying fish for about 2 minutes…maybe…

And then there was a kite-tastrophe and the fish got tangled in the line…

But we got it (mostly) untangled and Dani persevered in trying to get that fish to fly again. Although it seemed to prefer the water to the sky…

But then she had another round of success! For about 60 seconds…but still, success!

One last look at the beautiful oregon coast before we headed back to the house to warm up!

On the way back from the grocery store, we caught a lovely sunset at Manzanita Beach.

After a truly delicious dinner of grilled steak, mashed potatoes, sautéed mushrooms and onions, and cherry pie a la mode, Alex positioned himself in the “fancy chair”.

Alex manages to squeeze 1yo Archer’s hat onto his giant noggin. What does that tell you about the size of Archer’s noggin?!

Alex, Dani, Archer, Felix, and Zakk at the start of the trail to Smuggler’s Cove at Oswald West State Park.
Thanks for joining us – it was so fun to have you guys there! 😀
So glad you were able to get away and enjoy, even with some sun! Looks like a good time was had by all. I absolutely cannot wait to see you all next week! Hugs to Alex, Dani, and Lisa too!