Happy 3-Month Birthday!

Dear Colette,

I know it’s cliché, but time really does fly by. It doesn’t seem possible that three months have already passed since we first met. Your father and I are still as in love with you as we were the day you were born. Probably more so. You have changed us in ways we couldn’t have understood before and we are both so grateful to have you as our daughter.

3 Months

Your smiles are infectious, your snuggly little body nestles in perfectly on our chests, and our favorite conversations each day are when we exchange coos, gurgles, and giggles with you. It’s so much fun to watch you make new discoveries, like your hands. Yep, you love looking at your hands. You turn them over, bring them so close to your face that you make yourself go cross-eyed, and shove them in your mouth (sometimes two at a time).

You are sleeping pretty well at night. Usually you will go down for the night sometime between 10p-12a. Although you have been getting better about going to bed earlier than midnight, it’s still inconsistent. And that’s okay. We’re following your lead. We make you as comfortable and relaxed as possible, holding you, walking with you, assuring you that you are safe and it’s okay to sleep, and then you drift off when you’re ready, sometimes after fighting it and sometimes sweetly and quietly. You sleep for 5-6 hours and then another couple of 1-2 hour stretches, which is fabulous for your mama! Much better than the 2-3 hour blocks you were doing a month ago. During your daytime naps, you still like to be held. In fact, you prefer it so strongly that you won’t let us put you down unless you are really, really, really asleep and have been for at least an hour and a half. Sometimes it’s exhausting to hold you so much, but we try not to complain because we know this snuggly-cuddly time won’t last forever. Who ever heard of a 15-year old wanting to me held all the time?

Sleeping on Daddy


Sleeping on Mommy


Sleeping on Daddy 2

Your cousin Iris and Aunt Adele are visiting us right now. It seems they are as smitten with you as we are. Iris likes to sing you songs and Adele likes to hold and snuggle you. You clearly enjoy their company as well.

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Happy 3-month birthday, sweet Rocket.


Mama & Daddy


  1. Nicole says:

    So happy (and jealous!) that Adele and Iris were able to make it to Portland. We can’t wait for our snuggles with Colette! <3

  2. Mom says:

    Oh my gosh Collette I cannot believe it has been 3 months already! But thanks to your Mom & Dad we are able to keep up with your growth and giggles through this website which we LOVE!!!!!! But not as much as we LOVE YOU!!! We miss you but are so happy you are meeting some of your many loving cousins, Adele & Iris are so lucky to hold you and be a part of your giggles and coos. You are so lucky to have a terrific Mama and Daddy and you also have this wonderful extended family of awesome Aunts and Uncles, Grandparents, Cousins and so on…Keep sending us those smiles, we love you much more than you could ever know!!!!

  3. Annette says:

    So adorable! I remember the 3-month milestone too. I think I have a photo of Leela that was a lot like your first one. I loved how responsive babies start to get at this age. Baby smiles…squee! 🙂

  4. Dennis Koltz says:

    it’s great being able to watch her grow up so fast; before we know it will be one year.

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