Colette, Zakk, and I all had a great time celebrating Easter and enjoying the beautiful day. Colette seemed pretty happy with her Easter treats this morning, but she had a really hard time not breaking into the sweet ones before breakfast. If you watch this video, you’ll see just how difficult it was for her to save them for later.
- Fancy lady
- Another fancy lady
We had Zakk’s family over for brunch and then headed out to the backyard to hunt for eggs. Colette got to find hers first and she was thoroughly entertaining for all of us! Here’s a peek into the fun:
- First find!
- Nana helping Colette look for eggs
- Auntie Emma helping Colette look for eggs
- Shaking the egg
- Can I open it?
- Colette & Mama
- Kuzda family Easter egg hunt
- Helping out with the grownups Easter egg hunt
She had so much fun finding eggs the first time that she wanted to do it again after her nap. So we did it again! And it was just as much fun the second time! I warn you, this video is a bit long (about 15 min). But I think it’s worth a watch. Of course, I am biased.
Hope everyone had a happy Easter!
Adorable!! Happy Easter to you all, especially your little Easter Bunny xxx
We LOVED watching your videos! You’re really good at counting Colette! Soon you soon at the beach and we’ll have lots of fun! We love you Colette, Aunt Kristin and Uncle Zakk!