Fabulous Florida

We had such a lovely time on our Florida vacation a couple of weeks ago. We played on the beach, relaxed in the Gulf of Mexico, shared laughs, meals, card games, and stories with family, and watched the sun drop into the water at sunset. It made me so happy to watch my family laugh and play together, especially watching Zakk play with Ben, Alex, Sam and Iris. He is going to be a great dad. And Sam, Ben, and Iris were all so sweet when we talked about the baby in my belly, giving her kisses and talking to her. It made my heart melt! I can’t wait to be back there next year with everyone, showing off our little girl. Until then, I’ll have to feed my need for the beach with this video of Ben and Nicole enjoying the waves, this video of the peaceful surf with the full moon setting over the Gulf, and these photos (which you can click on to make larger and then use the arrow keys to move forward and backward among them). Enjoy!

One Comment

  1. Mom says:

    Kristin, thanks so much for the photos and commentary. You made me smile! It was a great week with many memorable moments, none sweeter than watching you caress your ever increasing baby belly!
    Happy Momma to Be Weekend, and what a great Momma you will be!

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