Yesterday, I hit the 38-week milestone! Baby Girl was officially considered full term as of last Wednesday, when I was 37 weeks pregnant, which means she can arrive anytime now! Today is my last day at work! I know that’s a lot of exclamation points, but it really feels like we’re almost there and that is definitely deserving of exclamation points!!! I’m really looking forward to having a little time to take care of some more of the many items still on our baby prep list, as well as to go for long walks, do prenatal yoga, relax and enjoy my acupuncture treatments, and sleep (when possible – it’s definitely more challenging these days). Knowing me, I will stay quite busy until the little lady makes her appearance. But it will be great to be able to focus entirely on preparing for her arrival instead of splitting my time, energy, and waning brainpower between that and work obligations.
Last weekend, I enjoyed a wonderful dinner out with some of my pregnant friends on Friday night and then a yummy lunch after prenatal yoga. It has been so great to connect with other women who are going through the same phases of pregnancy and I really value the friendships we’ve created. It will be so much fun to watch our babies grow up together!
u guys r still in my prayers; good to see all is well!!!!