The month of August in review:
- Getting stuck in the chair
- Fun with mirrors
- Snacking on blueberries while Mama picks them
- Colette & Mama on the wagon ride at the berry farm
- Playing in the giant box
- Swinging
- Watching the birds
- First tooth poking through!
- How much is that baby in the window?
- Playing with cups in the pool
- Sleeping way, way, way off the bed
- Bath time
- Baby model
- I’m ready for the paparazzi
- Neighborhood watch
- Up close
- Making a waterfall
- Eating her eel
- Playing with cups in the pool again
- I want to see it!
- At the splash park with Auntie Em
- Adorable!
- Trying to put her own hat on
- Covered in lunch
- Auntie Em, Rocket, and Daddy playing
- Fauxhawk
- Showing off the hat she put on herself
- Playing blocks with Daddy
- Sticking blocks on Daddy’s feet
- Rocket loves her cat hat from Auntie Em
- Sunshine
- Feet first
- Blissful baby
So cute! 😀